Brand8 PR - HWU students visit Quartermile

Students from Heriot Watt University visit the Quartermile site as part of their first year civil engineering course.

Belarus Free Theatre - Dangerous Energy Stunt

Belarus Free Theatre were joined by supporters and members of the public at the Edinburgh Festival to create a 300-metre red line across the Edinburgh Meadows in a campaign stunt against dirty energy.  Read more about it here:


The Rat Pit - Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2014

The Rat Pit theatre company raid Lickety Splits sweet shop , Edinburgh in a promotional shoot for the World Premiere of 'Candy Cigarettes' - a multi-sensory performance inspired by Alice in Wonderland, the care of the elderly and the collation of memories.

BIANCO NoFit State Circus - Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2014

Acrobats from NoFit State Circus perform in a big top tent at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2014.